* The opening explained that a platypus is a mammal that attempts to mate frequently but spends most of its time alone, and a platypus man is a mammal that attempts to mate frequently but spends most of its time alone.
* His TV show on the series was called Cooking with the Platypus Man.
* The series aired in 1995, the early days of UPN, which sucked.
* The problem of cooking and his character's problems with relationships were supposed to parallel. They didn't.
* Ron Orbach played Richard's executive producer and longtime friend. He's the cousin of actor Jerry Orbach of Law and Order fame.
* Unofficial UPN homepage's profile of Platypus Man
* TV.com's profile of Platypus Man
* Wikipedia's entry on Platypus Man
Flashback Friday: Out of This World
Flashback Friday: Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Flashback Friday: Herb
This unfortunately is one of the few Flashback Fridays I can't really comment on because I never watched one second of this show. Maybe because it was a lousy name for a television show or because it was also the premiere season of "Nowwhere Man". Who knows.
A fitting tribute though.
Dear Sir,
It figures a dago would make a lousy TV show like that. What kind of loser has a show that only lasts one season! Fifty years ago we'd have had him upside down with a f***ing fork up his a**!
Michael Richards
Dear Sir,
That racist rant came out of nowhere. Just like a jew.
Mel Gibson
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