Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 20th Anniversary Edition

Way back in the 80's, I played a game called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was a text-based adventure game that included really cool stuff like a pair of Joo Janta Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses (also known as a cardboard pair of black glasses), a Don't Panic button, and a microscopic battle fleet (also known as an empty bag). I never finished it, and that's always annoyed me. Now I have a second chance with the 20th Anniversary Edition. Not only is it online and illustrated, it's also free. I'll get that Babel fish yet.


Maurice Mitchell said...

Cool. Sounds familiar though...

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Did you make a link that one? I didn't know.

Anyway, I finally got that freakin' Babel Fish. Evil puzzle.

glomgold said...

I remember watching a friend play it a little. Why was I watching that wacky text-based adventure game? When I could've been watching Zork?