Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fun in a Call Center: Name Game

[I had a really bad case of the flu that day and my nose was completely stuffed up. To get the full experience of this call, read it out loud.]
ME: Bay I hab your dayb?
CALLER: My what?
ME: Your dayb?
ME: Dayb. Your dayb.
CALLER: I don't understand.
ME: Your dayb. Your firdst ad lads dayb.
CALLER: My what?
ME: Dayb. Dayb. Your first ad lads dayb.
CALLER: I'm sorry, I still don't understand.
ME: Your dayb. Dayb. Your first ad lads dayb. You dow, lyg Jod or Jill.
CALLER: Oh, my name?
ME: Yes.
CALLER: Oh, okay. [Caller gives name and completes the call. New call comes in...]
ME: Bay I hab your dayb?
CALLER2: My what?
ME: Your dayb?
CALLER2: What?
[Repeat this script sixty or so times. That's what that day was like.]


Maurice Mitchell said...

LOL. The hazards of a cold on phone support. You'd think they'd just send you home.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Well, I would have taken the day off if I could, but they have pretty strict attendance policies here.

Unknown said...

This incident is really funny. Can't help myself but to laugh. Thanks for sharing us this post, it was really hilarious. Keep posting. I am looking forward of reading so much of this the next time I'll visit your blog. Keep it up and good luck!


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Unknown said...

It's just funny call center conversation. Name that's all he wants to.

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